Osborn name - Meaning of Osborn

Osborn name - Meaning of Osborn

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
Osborn Meaning
Derived from the Old English elements os "god" and beorn "bear". During the Anglo-Saxon period there was also a Norse cognate Ásbjörn used in England, and after the Norman conquest the Norman cognate Osbern was introduced. It was occasionally revived in the 19th century, in part from a surname that was derived from the given name. Osborn originates in Old English language and means "god of bears". Originally, it was used as a surname and as a surname it functions until today. As a masculine given name it is very rare.

Osborn Related Names
Variant:, Osborne, Osbourn, Osbourne
Diminutives: Oz, Ozzie, Ozzy
Other Languages: Ásbjörn, Bjarni (Ancient Scandinavian), Osbeorn (Anglo-Saxon), Asbjørn, Esben, Bjarne, Ebbe, Espen (Danish), Ásbjörn, Bjarni (Icelandic), Asbjørn, Espen, Bjarne, Ebbe, Esben (Norwegian), Asbjörn, Esbjörn, Bjarne, Ebbe (Swedish)

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