From the English word pearl for the concretions formed in the shells of some mollusks, ultimately from Late Latin perla. Like other gemstone names, it has been used as a given name in the English-speaking world since the 19th century. The pearl is the birthstone for June, and it supposedly imparts health and wealth. Pearl originates in Latin language. Pearls are gemstones found in the living shelled mollusk and used to make jewelry. It is a birthstone of the month of June, as well as a symbol of modesty and innocence. It has been popular since Victorian Era until today and functions as a surname too. It can be used as both feminine and masculine given names, currently it is much more popular for girls.
Pearl Related Names Variants: Pearle, Perle, Perla Diminutives: Pearlie, Perlie
Pearl Celebrities Pearl Bailey - actress, Pearl Ellis - published author, Pearl White - actress,
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