Phoebe name - Meaning of Phoebe

Phoebe name - Meaning of Phoebe

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
English, Greek Mythology (Latinized) , Biblical, Biblical Latin
FEE-bee (English)
Phoebe Meaning
Latinized form of the Greek name Φοιβη (Phoibe) , which meant "bright, pure" from Greek φοιβος (phoibos). In Greek mythology Phoibe was a Titan associated with the moon. This was also an epithet of her granddaughter, the moon goddess Artemis. The name appears in Paul 's epistle to the Romans in the New Testament, where it belongs to a female minister in the church at Cenchreae. In England, it began to be used as a given name after the Protestant Reformation. A moon of Saturn bears this name (in honour of the Titan). Phoebe originates in Greek language and means "brightest of women". In Greek mythology, Phoebe was one of the Titans, the daughter of Uranus and Gaia. Titans were its own race of powerful gods. Phoebe is also mentioned in the Bible. As a feminine given name it is fairly popular in the United States these days. It was popularized in the TV series Friends by the character Phoebe Buffay, played by Lisa Kudrow.

Phoebe Related Names
Variants: Pheobe (English), Phoibe (Greek Mythology), Phebe (Biblical), Pheabe, Pheby, Pheebe, Pheebee, Pheebey, Pheebi, Pheebie, Pheeby, Phoebee, Phoebey, Phoebie, Phoeby
Masculine Forms: Phoebus, Phoibos (Greek Mythology)
Other Languages: Phoibe (Ancient Greek), Phoibe (Biblical Greek), Febe (Dutch), Febe (Italian), Belphoebe (Literature), Febe (Spanish)

Phoebe Celebrities
Phoebe Cates - actress, Phoebe Adams - artist, Phoebe Cary - poet, Phoebe Ephron - writer, Phoebe Muller - writer, Phoebe Natt - painter, Phoebe Pember - published author, Phoebe Snow - jazz musician, Phoebe Stone - writer, Phoebe Taylor - published author,

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Meaning of Phoebe Name

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