Raschelle name - Meaning of Raschelle
- Gender
- Feminine
- Lucky Number
- 11
- Usage
- English (Rare)
- Pronounced
- rə-SHEL
- Raschelle Meaning
- Variant of Rachelle.
Raschelle Related Names
Variants: Rachael, Racheal, Rachel, Rachelle, Rachyl
Diminutives: Rae, Raelene, Raelyn
Other Languages: Rachel (Biblical), Rachel (Biblical Greek), Rachel (Biblical Hebrew), Rachel, Rahel (Biblical Latin), Rakel (Danish), Rachel (Dutch), Raakel (Finnish), Rachel (French), Rachel (German), Rachel (Hebrew), Ráhel (Hungarian), Ráichéal (Irish), Rachele (Italian), Rakel (Norwegian), Raquel (Portuguese), Rahela (Romanian), Rahela (Serbian), Raquel (Spanish), Rakel (Swedish), Ruchel (Yiddish)