Meaning unknown, probably of Celtic origin. Shakespeare took the name from earlier British legends and used it in his tragedy 'King Lear' (1606) for a treacherous daughter of the king. In the modern era it has appeared in the horror movie 'The Exorcist' (1973) belonging to a girl possessed by the devil. This name can also be used as a variant of Reagan. Regan originates in Irish language and most likely is a variant of Reagan, which means "Riagan"s descendant". Regan was the name of King Lear"s daughter in Shakespeare"s tragedy, as well as the name of a possessed girl in the film The Exorcist. Until today, Regan functions mostly as a surname, as a feminine or masculine given name it is less popular than Reagan.
Regan Related Names Variant:, Reegan, Regann, Reganne, Reghan Diminutive: Regana
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