Regina name - Meaning of Regina
- Gender
- Feminine
- Lucky Number
- 9
- Usage
- English, Italian, Polish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Lithuanian, Late Roman, Czech, English, Latin
- Pronounced
- rə-JEEN-ə (English) , rə-GEEN-ə (English) , rə-JIEN-ə (English) , re-JEE-nah (Italian) , re-GEE-nah (Polish, German), rə-JEEN-ə/rə-GEEN-ə
- Regina Meaning
- Late Latin name meaning "queen". It was in use as a Christian name from early times, and was borne by a 2nd-century saint. In England it was used during the Middle Ages in honour of the Virgin Mary, and it was later revived in the 19th century. A city in Canada bears this name, in honour of Queen Victoria. Regina originates in Latin language and means "queen". It became popular at the end of the Victorian era as a nickname of queen Victoria, "Victoria Regina". Regina was a Saint, a virgin martyr, and it is also the name of the capital city of Saskatchewan, a province in Canada.
Regina Related Names
Variants: Regena (English), Regine (German), Regine (Norwegian), Gina, Reggi, Reggie, Rayna
Diminutives: Gina, Ina, Geena, Gena, Jeana, Jeanna (English), Gina (Italian), Ina (German), Gina, Ina (Swedish), Gina, Ina (Norwegian), Gina, Ina (Danish)
Other Languages: Lagina (African American), Raina, Rayna, Raya (Bulgarian), Régine (French)
Regina Celebrities
Regina Bell - rhythm and blues singer, Regina King - actress, Regina Deutinger - model, Regina Hale Sutherland - author, Regina Richards - singer,