German and Norwegian form of Regina. Regine is a Norwegian variant of Regina. Regina originates in Latin language and means "queen". It became popular at the end of the Victorian era as a nickname of queen Victoria, "Victoria Regina". Regina was a Saint, a virgin martyr, and it is also the name of the capital city of Saskatchewan, a province in Canada.
Regine Related Names Diminutives: Ina (German), Gina, Ina (Norwegian) Other Languages: Lagina (African American), Raina, Rayna, Raya (Bulgarian), Regina, Gina, Ina (Danish), Regina, Geena, Gena, Gina, Ina, Jeana, Jeanna, Regena (English), Régine (French), Regina, Gina (Italian), Regina (Late Roman), Regina (Lithuanian), Regina (Polish), Regina, Gina, Ina (Swedish)
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