Reuben name - Meaning of Reuben

Reuben name - Meaning of Reuben

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 11 Meaning
Biblical, Hebrew, English
ROO-bən (English)
Reuben Meaning
Means "behold, a son" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament he is the eldest son of Jacob and Leah and the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. It has been used as a Christian name in Britain since the Protestant Reformation. Reuben is a derivative of the Hebrew name Reuben, from the words "raa", which means "to see", and "ben" which means "my son".

Reuben Related Names
Variants: Reuven (Hebrew), Reubin, Reubyn
Diminutive: Rube (English)
Other Languages: Rouben, Ruben (Armenian), Rouben (Biblical Greek), Reuven (Biblical Hebrew), Ruben (Biblical Latin), Ruben (Danish), Ruben (Dutch), Ruuben (Finnish), Ruben (French), Ruben (Norwegian), Rúben, Rubinho (Portuguese), Rubem, Rubens (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Rubén (Spanish), Ruben (Swedish)

Reuben Celebrities
Reuben Ewing - baseball player, Reuben Gant - football player, Reuben Tam - artist,

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Meaning of Reuben Name

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