Richelle name - Meaning of Richelle

Richelle name - Meaning of Richelle

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 9 Meaning
English, Germanic
Richelle Meaning
Feminine form of Richard using the popular suffix elle, probably influenced by the sound of Michelle. Richelle originates in Germanic language and means "daring power". It is most likely a feminine form of Richard, using the suffix -elle.

Richelle Related Names
Variants: Richardine, Ricarda, Richele
Diminutive: Rikki
Masculine Forms: Dick, Rich, Richard, Richie, Rick, Rickey, Rickie, Ricky, Ricki, Ritchie
Other Languages: Ricarda (German), Riccarda (Italian), Ricarda (Spanish)

Richelle Celebrities
Richelle Carey - news anchor, Richelle Mead - author,

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