Rowena name - Meaning of Rowena

Rowena name - Meaning of Rowena

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 4 Meaning
Rowena Meaning
Meaning uncertain, possibly a Latinized form of a Germanic name derived from the elements hrod "fame" and wynn "joy". According to the 12th-century chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth, this was the name of a daughter of the Saxon chief Hengist. It was popularized by Sir Walter Scott, who used it for a character in his novel 'Ivanhoe' (1819). Rowena probably originates in Old English language and means "fame and delight". That is more or less just a speculation, though, since the origin is rather unclear. In a British legend, Rowena was an Anglo-Saxon leader"s daughter and a beautiful femme fatale. According to contemporary historians, though, the story is fictional. Rowena was also a character in Walter Scott"s Ivanhoe.

Rowena Related Names
Variants: Rowina, Rhowena, Rowenna, Rowinna, Rowyna, Rowynna

Rowena Celebrities
Rowena Fry - artist, Rowena Lindquist - published author,

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Meaning of Rowena Name

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