Seraphina name - Meaning of Seraphina

Seraphina name - Meaning of Seraphina

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Lucky Number
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English (Rare) , German (Rare) , Late Roman, Hebrew
Seraphina Meaning
Feminine form of the Late Latin name Seraphinus, derived from the biblical word seraphim which was Hebrew in origin and meant "fiery ones". The seraphim were an order of angels, described by Isaiah in the Bible as having six wings each. This was the name of a 13th-century Italian saint who made clothes for the poor. As an English name, it has never been common. Seraphina originates in Hebrew language and means "the one that burns". It is derived from a seraph. In Christian theology, Seraphim (plural of seraph) were angels who took care of God"s throne and each of them has six wings. Seraphina never became overly popular in the U.S.

Seraphina Related Names
Variant:, Seraphine, Serafina
Diminutive: Sera (English)
Masculine Form: Seraphinus (Late Roman)
Other Languages: Séraphine (French), Serafina, Fina (Italian), Serafima (Macedonian), Serafina (Polish), Serafina (Portuguese), Serafima (Russian), Serafina (Spanish)

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Meaning of Seraphina Name

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