From a surname, which was possibly a variant of Selby. Though previously in use as a rare masculine name, it was popularized as a feminine name by the main character in the movie 'The Woman in Red' (1935). It was later reinforced by the movie 'Steel Magnolias' (1989) in which Julia Roberts played a character by this name. Shelby is most likely a variant of Selby. Selby originates in Old Norse language and means "from the farm of willows". It was derived from an English surname and as a surname it functions until today. It can be used as both feminine and masculine given names but nowadays it is more popular in its variant Shelby.
Shelby Related Names Variants: Schelby, Shelbey, Shelbi, Shelbie, Shellby
Shelby Celebrities Shelby Young - actress, Shelby Lane - actress, Shelby Hoffman - actress,
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