Sherwood name - Meaning of Sherwood

Sherwood name - Meaning of Sherwood

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Sherwood Meaning
From an English place name (or from a surname which was derived from it) meaning "bright forest". This was the name of the forest in which the legendary outlaw Robin Hood made his home. Sherwood is a locational name, given to a person who came from "Sherwood" near Nottingham. The place name Sherwood itself is derived from the Old English words "scir" and "wodu" which means "the cultivated wood". Sherwood is a popular name because of its long, albeit inaccurate, association with the forest hero Robin Hood.

Sherwood Celebrities
Sherwood Anderson - author, Sherwood Schwartz - film producer, Sherwood Spring - astronaut,

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Meaning of Sherwood Name

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