Talitha name - Meaning of Talitha

Talitha name - Meaning of Talitha

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 8 Meaning
Biblical, Aramaic
TAL-i-thə (English)
Talitha Meaning
Means "little girl" in Aramaic. The name is taken from the phrase talitha cumi meaning "little girl arise" spoken by Jesus in order to restore a young girl to life (see Mark 5:41). Talitha originates in Aramaic language and means "small girl". In the Bible, Jesus used this expression in his phrase to resurrect a dead child. Nowadays, it is used rather rarely as a feminine given name. Talitha is also the name of two stars in the Ursa Major constellation.

Talitha Celebrities
Talitha MacKenzie - musician,

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Meaning of Talitha Name

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