Taneli name - Meaning of Taneli

Taneli name - Meaning of Taneli

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 7 Meaning
Finnish, Hebrew
Taneli Meaning
Finnish form of Daniel. Taneli is a Finnish variant of Daniel. Daniel is an old Hebrew name and means “the lord is my judge”. It is a very popular name because of the character named Daniel in the Bible in the book of Daniel and how he was saved from the cave of lions because of his faith in God. The name became popular after the Crusades and has remained popular ever since.

Taneli Related Names
Diminutive: Tatu
Other Languages: Daniel, Taniel (Armenian), Danel (Basque), Daniel (Biblical), Daniel (Biblical Greek), Daniyyel (Biblical Hebrew), Danihel (Biblical Latin), Deniel (Breton), Danail (Bulgarian), Danijel, Danilo, Daniel, Danko (Croatian), Daniel, Dan (Czech), Daniel (Danish), Daniël, Daan (Dutch), Daniel, Dan, Dannie, Danny (English), Daniel (French), Daniel (Georgian), Daniel (German), Daniel (Hebrew), Dániel, Dani (Hungarian), Daniele, Danilo (Italian), Daniels (Latvian), Danielius (Lithuanian), Daniel (Macedonian), Daniel (Norwegian), Daniel (Polish), Daniel, Danilo (Portuguese), Daniel, Dan, Dănuț (Romanian), Daniil (Russian), Danijel, Danilo, Danko (Serbian), Daniel, Danijel, Danilo (Slovene), Daniel, Danilo, Dani (Spanish), Daniel (Swedish), Deiniol (Welsh)

Taneli Celebrities
Taneli Jarva - musician, Taneli Makela - writer,

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Meaning of Taneli Name

Taneli name meaning. The meaning, origin, popularity and detailed name information of Taneli.

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