Tessa name - Meaning of Tessa
- Gender
- Feminine
- Lucky Number
- 1
- Usage
- English, Greek
- Pronounced
- TES-ə
- Tessa Meaning
- Diminutive of Theresa. Tessa is a diminutive of Theresa, which originates in Greek language and means "summer harvest". It is a variant of the name Teresa, used in Spanish and Portuguese. There have been several Roman Catholic saints of this name until now, most recently Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a nun who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta in 1950, and for over 45 years helped the sick and poor in India.
Tessa Related Names
Variants: Teri, Terri, Terrie, Terry, Tess, Tessie, Tracy, Tracee, Tracey, Traci, Tracie, Tessee, Tessy
Other Languages: Terese (Basque), Tereza (Bulgarian), Terezija, Tena (Croatian), Tereza, Terezie (Czech), Teresa, Theresa, Therese, Terese (Danish), Theresia, Tess, Thera, Trees (Dutch), Teresa (Finnish), Thérèse (French), Teresa, Theresa, Therese, Theresia (German), Terézia, Teca, Teréz (Hungarian), Toiréasa, Treasa (Irish), Teresa (Italian), Therasia (Late Roman), Trees (Limburgish), Teresa, Theresa, Therese, Terese (Norwegian), Teresa (Polish), Teresa, Teresinha, Terezinha (Portuguese), Tereza (Portuguese (Brazilian) ), Tereza (Romanian), Terézia (Slovak), Terezija (Slovene), Teresa, Tere, Teresita (Spanish), Teresa, Teresia, Theresa, Therese, Theresia, Terese, Tessan (Swedish)
Tessa Celebrities
Tessa Brix - model, Tessa Duder - writer, Tessa Keller - actress, Tessa Langmead - model, Tessa Ransford - writer, Tessa Souter - jazz artist,