Tim name - Meaning of Tim

Tim name - Meaning of Tim

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 6 Meaning
English, German, Dutch, Slovene, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Greek
TIM (English, German, Dutch, Slovene)
Tim Meaning
Short form of Timothy. Tim is a diminutive of Timothy. Timothy is an Anglicized form of the Old Greek name "Timotheos" or the Latin name "Timotheus", which mean "honoring God or honored by God". The name is derived from the words "time", which means "honor", and "theos", which means "God".

Tim Related Names
Variants: Timmy (English), Timo (German), Timo (Dutch)
Feminine Form: Timotha (English)
Other Languages: Timoteus, Timotheos (Ancient Greek), Timothy (Biblical), Timotheos (Biblical Greek), Timotheus (Biblical Latin), Timotei (Bulgarian), Timo (Finnish), Timothée (French), Timoteo (Italian), Timotej (Macedonian), Timoti (Maori), Tymoteusz (Polish), Timoteo (Portuguese), Timotei (Romanian), Timofei, Timofey (Russian), Timotej (Slovak), Timoteo (Spanish)

Tim Celebrities
Tim Allen - actor, Tim McGraw - musician, Tim Burton - film director, Tim Duncan - basketball player, Tim Henman - tennis player, Tim Keefe - baseball player, Tim Robbins - actor, Tim Barnett - football player,

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