Uliana name - Meaning of Uliana

Uliana name - Meaning of Uliana

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Lucky Number
See Lucky Number 22 Meaning
Russian, Latin, Russian
Uliana Meaning
Russian form of Juliana. Uliana is a Russian form of Juliana, itself derived from Julia. Julia originates in Latin language and means "soft-haired". It is a feminine form of Julius. Julia was the name of a character in the Bible, as well as the name of several martyrs and saints, including Julia of Corsica and Julia of Merida. It is also a character in Shakespeare"s play The Gentlemen of Verona. In the English-speaking countries it has been regularly used since the 18th century and has always been one of the most popular feminine given names in the United States. It was popularized by the American actress Julia Roberts. It functions as a surname as well.

Uliana Related Names
Variants: Yuliana, Yulianna
Masculine Form: Yulian
Other Languages: Iuliana, Juliana (Ancient Roman), Yuliana (Bulgarian), Julijana (Croatian), Juliana (Dutch), Gillian, Juliana, Julianna, Julianne, Gill, Jill, Jillian, Jillie, Jilly, Leanna, Liana (English), Juliane, Julienne (French), Juliana, Juliane, Liane (German), Julianna (Hungarian), Giuliana, Liana (Italian), Julijana (Macedonian), Julianna (Polish), Juliana, Liana (Portuguese), Iuliana, Liana (Romanian), Julijana (Serbian), Julijana (Slovene), Juliana (Spanish)

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Meaning of Uliana Name

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