Gemini Zodiac Profile

May 21 - June 21
Gemini Sign Personality
IndependentYou are quite independent.
RomanticYou are quite romantic.
DaringYou are quite daring.
LoyalYou can be loyal, but it's not your strongest suit.
InconsistentYou get bored with things really easily and often find yourself not finishing what you started. Your interests are like crazy monkeys, jumping from here to there.
EmotionalYou are not very emotional.
PossessiveYou give total freedom to your lover and almost never feel jealous.
StubbornYou are very flexible and easily adapt to any environment.
Gemini individuals are famous for their playfulness, intellect and flexibility. They are always open to new experiences, and in fact get bored if no such experiences are found. Gemini person is very fast to try new ideas, however after a short while even those ideas get old, and a typical Gemini person will soon start looking for something new again. Meeting new people, going new places and trying different lifestyles is what really gets Twins going. However this whole need for constant change means a lot of inconsistency, and that is in fact one of the biggest flaws of a Gemini.
To many Gemini life is just like a game, and they do not want to make it too complicated, that is why many people under this zodiac will usually just touch the surface of a subject, and never want to complicate their life by going into details, be it in relationship, study or work.
Gemini individuals are usually smart and often possess very strong analytical skills. This makes them good learners and debaters. Many of these individuals are socialites and very good communicators. They often also have good sense of humor and are rather charming. Their energetic and talkative nature gets them many friends and quite a bit of adventure.
It may be hard for Gemini to live a stable predictable life, because stability is really not their thing. Just like a child, they are easily distracted by new fascinating possibilities and are the type of people who would want to try everything but only once (well maybe twice, but that's tops).
Gemini Sex habits
Gemini is all about trying new things, so be ready for some exploring or else don't even mess with the Twins. A lot of the times they do what they do just for the sake of trying it. Sex to Twins is just another way to stimulate mind.
Often the first thing they will tell you after doing it is - “Have you seen the remote?”