Denise name - Meaning of Denise
- Gender
- Feminine
- Lucky Number
- 11
- Usage
- French, English, Dutch, Greek
- Pronounced
- de-NEEZ (French) , də-NEES (English) , də-NEE-sə (Dutch)
- Denise Meaning
- French feminine form of Denis. Denise originates in Greek language and means "dedicated to God". It is a feminine form of Dennis and is ultimately derived from Dionysus, the Greek god of grape harvest, winemaking and wine. He is often depicted with grapevine and over centuries has been an inspiration for many painters and sculptors. Denise is a very popular feminine given name in the United States and many other countries around the world.
Denise Related Names
Variants: Denice, Deniece (English), Daniece, Danise, Denisa, Deniska, Denissa, Denisse, Dennise
Masculine Forms: Denis (French), Den, Denis, Dennis, Denny (English), Dennis (Dutch)
Other Languages: Denisa (Czech), Dionysia (Late Roman), Dionisia, Dye (Medieval English), Denisa (Romanian), Denisa (Slovak)
Denise Celebrities
Denise Richards - actress, Denise van Outen - television actress, Denise Levertov - poet, Denise Austin - American fitness guru, Denise Michelle Crosby - actress,