Judi name - Meaning of Judi
- Gender
- Feminine
- Lucky Number
- 8
- Usage
- English
- Pronounced
- JOO-dee
- Judi Meaning
- Diminutive of Judith.
Judi Related Names
Variants: Judie, Judy, Jodi, Jodie, Jody
Other Languages: Judith (Biblical), Ioudith (Biblical Greek), Yehudit (Biblical Hebrew), Iudith (Biblical Latin), Judita, Jitka (Czech), Judit, Jytte (Danish), Judith (French), Judith, Jutta, Jutte (German), Yehudit (Hebrew), Judit (Hungarian), Giuditta (Italian), Judith (Jewish), Judit (Norwegian), Judyta (Polish), Judite (Portuguese), Judita (Slovak), Judit, Judith (Spanish), Judit (Swedish)