Naomi name - Meaning of Naomi
- Gender
- Feminine
- Lucky Number
- 7
- Usage
- English, Hebrew, Biblical, Japanese
- Pronounced
- nay-O-mee (English) , nie-O-mee (English), nay-O-mee/nie-O-mee
- Naomi Meaning
- From the Hebrew name (Na'omiy) meaning "pleasantness". In the Old Testament this is the name of the mother-in-law of Ruth. After the death of her husband, Naomi took the name Mara (see Ruth 1:20). Though previously common as a Jewish name, Naomi was not typically used as an English Christian name until after the Protestant Reformation. From Japanese (nao) "honest, straight" and (mi) "beautiful". Naomi originates in Hebrew language and it means "pleasant, congenial". In the Bible, Naomi was the mother-in-law of Ruth. The name itself used to be popular in Jewish community, and it wasn"t until the Protestant Reformation that it came into more general use. Most likely it was popularized by the fashion model Naomi Campbell.
Naomi Related Names
Variant:, Naomee, Naomy, Noemi, Noemie, Nohemi, Noemia
Other Languages: Noemin (Biblical Greek), Na'omi (Biblical Hebrew), Noemi (Biblical Latin), Noemi (Czech), Noémie (French), Noemi (Italian), Noemí, Noêmia (Portuguese), Noemí, Nohemi (Spanish)
Naomi Celebrities
Naomi Campbell - model, Naomi Judd - musician, Naomi Watts - actress, Naomi Frenkel - writer, Naomi Klein - author, Naomi Nye - published author, Naomi Westerman - actress, Naomi Wolf - author,