Perhaps derived from Greek οδυσσομαι (odyssomai) "to hate". In Greek legend Odysseus was one of the Greek heroes who fought in the Trojan War. In the 'Odyssey' Homer relates Odysseus's misadventures on his way back to his kingdom and his wife Penelope. Odysseus is an ancient Greek name, derived from the Greek name Odyssesthai, which means "full of wrath or to hate". Ulysses is the English form of the name Odysseus and means the same. Odysseus is the hero of the Greek epic poems Odyssey and Iliad.
Odysseus Related Names Other Languages: Ulysses (English), Ulisse (Italian), Ulisses (Portuguese), Ulysses (Roman Mythology), Ulises (Spanish)
Odysseus Celebrities Odysseus Elytis - author,
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