Yoni name - Meaning of Yoni
- Gender
- Masculine
- Lucky Number
- 9
- Usage
- Hebrew
- Pronounced
- YOHN-ee
- Yoni Meaning
- Diminutive of Yonatan. Yoni is a Hebrew diminutive of Jonathan. Jonathan is based on Hebrew names "Yahonathan and Jehonathan", derived from the Hebrew words "Yahweh", which means "God", and "nathan", which means "to give".
Yoni Related Names
Other Languages: Jehonathan, Jonathan (Biblical), Ionathan (Biblical Greek), Yehonatan, Yonatan (Biblical Hebrew), Ionathan (Biblical Latin), Jonatan, Jonathan (Danish), Jonathan (Dutch), Jonathan, Johnathan, Johnathon, Jon, Jonathon, Jonny (English), Jonty (English (British) ), Jonathan (French), Jonatan, Jonathan (German), Jónatan (Icelandic), Ionatán (Irish), Gionata (Italian), Jonatan, Jonathan (Norwegian), Jônatas (Portuguese), Jonatan (Spanish), Jonatan, Jonathan (Swedish)