Good Luck Tips
Manage Your Money Better
Usually, the biggest complications that keep things disorganized financially arise from not doing a few simple things. When you fail to do some or all of these things, it’s easy for yo...
Lucky Days & Holidays
Do you have a lucky day? Is it today your perhaps tomorrow? Well, any day can be. But the day you were born on can have as much influence on the luck of your life as the star you were born u...
When All else Fails
A positive attitude is a great way to improve your luck and attract good luck. Its the law of attraction. It’s been proved by Quantum physicists to be true. And it simply means stay po...
Scarab Beetle Charm
Scarab beetle is a guide of the cosmic universe, teaching us about the elements of the creative forces. For the Scarab is symbolic of eternity itself. The mystical Scarab beetle appears now ...
Mystic Star Charm
The moment you receive the Mystic Star you may feel its phenomenal force. A Heptagram (Mystic Star) is a 7 Pointed Star drawn in one continuous line, in the manner of the 5 Pointed Pentagram...
How to use Chinese Coins as a Money Cure
The most common use of Chinese coins is for money. The other popular use of coins is as protection and good luck cure. These energies sure do go together, do they not?When a person achieves ...
Chinese Coins Charm
Chinese coins are a great symbol of prosperity because they represent money. Are an extremely powerful tool for attracting abundance, wealth, money and prosperity into your life.The other po...
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