Good Luck Tips
How to Find a Four Leaf Clover?
Four-leaf clovers are known all around the world for giving the finder good luck and fortune. If you're feeling unfortunate or you just need a quick good-luck charm, you'll want to know how ...
15 Reasons to Give a Four-Leaf Clover
According to tradition, such leaves bring good luck to their finders, especially if found accidentally. In addition, each leaf is believed to represent something: the first is for faith, the...
Four-Leaf Clover
The four-leaf clover is the most well known lucky symbol around the world and across many very different countries. Each of four leaf clovers represents one thing. The first leaf is for hope...
Troubleshooting Lucky Bamboo
Prevent tip burn by using filtered or bottled water. Tip burn is when the leaves start to become dry and dead. This often happens when there are chemicals in the water. Setting your tap wate...
Helping Your Lucky Bamboo Grow
Place the lucky bamboo in a warm spot where it will get indirect light. Keep an eye on how much light the plant gets, if anything, too little light is better than too much. While you're gone...
Setting Up and Choosing Your Lucky Bamboo
Lucky bamboo charmed its way into the hearts of plant lovers because it requires only basic care to thrive. Just stick the stems in some water, surround them with pebbles for support, and wa...
How to Grow Lucky Bamboo?
You don't have to look very hard to find lucky bamboo nowadays. These plants pop up in offices, on desks, in businesses, and in homes pretty much everywhere. An important part of feng shui, ...
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